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Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Following stackoverflow’s example, I’ve started using prettify for syntax highlighting on this blog.  I’ve used the Google syntax highlighter in the past, but prettify just seems easier as I don’t need to mark it with class names or anything – all I need to do is wrap code in <pre> and <code> tags, and it just works.  It’s clever enough to work out the language.

Getting it working was really simple.  I downloaded the source, combined all the .js files into one using Google’s Closure Compiler, and update the .css file to the styles I like (stolen without shame from stackoverflow – I love that site).

To get the styles to apply to my blog, I also added an initialisation script to make the prettify call, and it works.  Hopefully this should save me some time in the future.

I found a really good article here that showed me how to set this all up.  I’ll update old blog posts at some stage, for now they’re going to appear without styling.

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